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Remodel of the Big Saver Building on Ave 26/Figueroa

By | General, Notice

Retail developers attended the May board meeting and discussed the plans for the remodel of the former Big Saver building on Ave 26 and Figueroa. They intend to keep it retail but at this time only Yum Donuts has a signed lease. Remodel work is expected to begin in September or October, with new tenants entering in 2020. We don’t know yet if it will be a grocery store or a hardware store or something else, but the leasing agent and developers are seeking community input.

At the meeting, they did not have images printed to show, so we promised to share them here. Feel free to add comments to this post and we will share them with the developers.

You can also reach out to the leasing agent directly:

Timothy Genske | Senior Vice President | Lic. 01034790
CBRE | Advisory & Transaction Services | Occupier
234 S. Brand Blvd. | Glendale, CA 91204
T +1 818 502 6732 | C + 1 213 200 8084 | F +1 818 243 6069

Corner of the building on the Figueroa side (where Yum Donuts currently is)
New parking and planing
New parking and planting
Front of the building
New site plan


By | Day, Volunteer Oportunities

We’re hosting our monthly, 1-hour cleanup this Saturday (April 13) from 10-11 a.m. Meet at the corner of Future and Cypress. We’ll have trash bags, gloves, brooms and the like. Come help us clean a few blocks of Cypress Ave.

Low commitment! Then go vote for the neighborhood council members at the library and get some free food!
