To account for National Night Out, the GCPNC Planning, Land Use, and Environment (Dealing also with Homeless and Renters issues) has been moved to Thursday, Aug 9 @ 7:30 PM. Rio de Los Angeles Park.
Click for the agenda
To account for National Night Out, the GCPNC Planning, Land Use, and Environment (Dealing also with Homeless and Renters issues) has been moved to Thursday, Aug 9 @ 7:30 PM. Rio de Los Angeles Park.
Click for the agenda
The GCPNC Planning, Land Use, and Environment Committee will also be discussing issues of homelessness and renters’ rights. Please join us on Thursday, Aug 9 for our next meeting. 7:30 Rio de Los Angeles Park – Community Room.
1454 Killarney Ave
3001 Future St
231 Isabel Street
The GCPNC Planning, Land Use, and Environment Committee has received from the LA Planning Dept the following notifications of applications:
1454 Killarney Ave – Demo single-family dwelling and construct a single-family residence
3001 Future Street – Construction of single-family dwelling
231 Isabel Street – Addition of 792 sq feet to the back of the existing building.
If you have questions or concerns about any of these projects, please contact
Thank you!
Join us Tuesday, July 10 @ 7:30 PM for our board meeting. We’ll be talking about speeding and safety on Cypress Ave.
GCPNC awards grants to 501(c)3 non-profits and local schools for events and projects that directly benefit our Cypress Park community.
We have recently made a change to this process.
Instead of accepting requests on a first-come, first-serve basis (which leaves us with little funding at the end of the year), we will now be accepting funding requests on a QUARTERLY basis.
We will consider grant requests at the following 2018-2019 meetings:
August 14
October 9
January 8
April 9
Each meeting is at 7:30 PM at the Cypress Park Rec Center.
At each of the above meetings, we will have $4000 to distribute in grants. Distribution will be based on how much the project or event benefits Cypress Park neighbors specifically.
During the meeting, organizations requesting funding will have 5 minutes to present their request. The board will have 5 minutes to ask questions. We will listen to all requests at once and then give the audience time to make comments and help us prioritize funding.
If you are associated with a school or non-profit that is seeking funding, please go to our meeting page and request to be added to the agenda and to receive the Neighborhood Purpose Grant (NPG) request form and instructions. Paperwork must be submitted 1 week before the meeting to be included in the agenda.